- Emily Edwards Equestrian Extraordinaire
- Emily Edwards to the Rescue
After a week spent at horseback camp making friends and bonding with her favorite horse, Calypso, twelve-year-old Emily Edwards must say goodbye. But what will happen to Calypso when the summer ends and the camp returns the fiery chestnut to the horse dealer Emily suspects abused her?
Emily refuses to abandon Calypso to an uncertain future. She must rescue her, but how?
With a mysteriously absent mother and a father whose Multiple Sclerosis is getting worse, she has no money—or place—to keep a horse. Her plan will require hard work and help from her camp friends Katie and Ash, but with luck, Emily might just pull it off. If only she could work up the nerve to tell her family, which might need even more rescuing than Calypso.
Emily Edwards to the Rescue is a must-read for horse lovers and anyone who believes in the power of friendship and determination.