My Desert Sun is the story of Cayuse, a young, free-spirited mustang who lives in the desert and mountains of the American Southwest. While life in the desert is often peaceful and serene, Cayuse spends many days merely fighting for survival. However, he soon learns that survival among mankind is much more difficult. After his herd is rounded up and separated, Cayuse is determined to find his freedom in the wilderness again. He struggles through each grueling experience; from his days at a rancher’s farm to life as a bucking rodeo bronco, Cayuse’s will is tested at every turn. One unlikely friendship will be his only salvation. My Desert Sun is told from Cayuse’s point of view and touches on various important issues; from the plight of the diminishing herds of the American mustang, to abuse (of animals and humans alike), to the endless fight for freedom, no matter what the cost.
A portion of the proceeds from My Desert Sun benefit Lifesavers Wild Horse Rescue, Inc. and Return to Freedom, two California-based wild horse rescues.